Monday, August 2, 2010

Prarie Oaks - Metro Park

If you have a dog, you'll especially want to know about this next park! Prairie Oaks is the newest Metro park in Franklin County and it's just beautiful! There are several different "Parts" to this park, so let me clarify that if you have a dog you'll want to go to Darby Bend lakes on 2755 Amity Road.

We took our 100 pound puppy, Gus, with us because we had heard that there were trails that the dog could go on as well as a swimming area. The scenery is just breath taking. There are several different lakes, where you can fish, canoe, and one especially for your favorite pooch to swim in!

We had never taking Gus anywhere to swim, but we knew that he like to play in the water, I guess I just didn't realize what a water lover he was! We could hardly get him out of the water once he got in!

What I liked

There are 9 different trails on the Prairie Oaks site with several easy and short hikes. Mound trail is only .3 miles Even if you don't have a dog I would still recommend this park! It's beautiful! They do NOT have a playground for the kids but there are several "natural" play areas. My kids had a ball climbing on a big pile of rocks. and of course being able to get dirty is always fun, so pack some extra clothes and bring along a plastic bag for muddy shoes! They have sheltered picnic area and a carry in carry out policy. And I honestly didn't find out about the bathroom situation (I know I saw port-a-pots but there was also a building next to the other shelter house that looked a tad more promising) We'll be going there again soon so the Pup can play and I'll investigate a little further!

Getting there

To Darby Bend Lakes (2755 Amity Road, Hilliard):From I-270, take I-70 west to the West Jefferson / Plain City exit, turn right onto Plain City-Georgesville Road / State Route 142. Go about 2.25 miles to Lucas Road (passing the main park entrance) and turn right. Go across Big Darby Creek and turn right at the stop sign onto Amity Road. Entrance is about 0.5 miles on right.